More recommendations are being shared for future improvements on U.S. 30 east of Valparaiso. The Indiana Department of Transportation has released a draft level 2 screening report for its ProPEL U.S. 30 study. That's where the study starts getting into specific locations.
The Indiana Department of Transportation is narrowing down the list of potential improvements to U.S. 30 east of Valparaiso. Study teams have identified 55 potential solutions, as part of the ProPEL U.S. 30 study.
Residents have a chance to weigh in on future improvements to U.S. 30 east of Valparaiso. The Indiana Department of Transportation is conducting a two-year planning and environmental linkages study it's calling ProPEL U.S. 30.
Today: an extended conversation with Valparaiso Mayor Jon Costas. The mayor talks about the status of the city's U.S. 30 corridor project, other…