Hammond Mayor Tom McDermott Jr. believes his city is a good place for data center development, but admitted there are still some drawbacks and unanswered questions.
During last month's Mayor's Night Out event, Mayor Tom McDermott Jr. said overdoses are Hammond's leading cause of death.
School City of Hammond is working to boost its STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education offerings. The school board last week approved a bid from 1st Maker Space to install makerspaces at Hammond Central and Morton high schools, as well as Eggers and Scott middle schools.
For schools working to wrap up construction projects before the first day of class, material and labor shortages have created some extra challenges. In Hammond, Morton High School began the school year Wednesday with the gym floor, window replacement and science labs still incomplete.
This edition of “MIDWEST BEAT with Tom Lounges” originally aired on Tuesday, August 16, 2016IN-STUDIO GUESTS: SCOTT “STRETCH” MILLER & GAGE ANDERSON with…