"It's somewhat unbelievable that we had no idea that one-and-a-half million dollars was sitting there, for this purpose only," said council member Emilie Hunt.
"We've spent extensive time with the Linc development team, getting their traffic control in order, for safety of both the motoring public, the walking public, as well as their own personnel," said City Engineer Max Rehlander.
The city of Valparaiso is getting ready for a future roundabout at State Road 130 and Porter County Road 400 North.
Valparaiso is looking to redesign part of McCord Road.
The city of Valparaiso is preparing for potential changes to State Road 130. The board of works last week agreed to hire civil engineering firm EMCS to perform a traffic analysis of the highway's intersection with Tower Road, at a cost of $9,600.
Railroad crossing repairs continue in Valparaiso. Canadian National will close its Yellowstone Road crossing for two weeks, starting Monday.
Campbell Street in Valparaiso will be closed near the future Journeyman Distillery site, starting Monday. Campbell will be closed between Brown and Boundary through mid-July.
Valparaiso will be able to get some extra paving work done. The board of works last week approved a $250,215.80 change order to the city's Community Crossings projects.