Northwest Indiana is expected to grow by about 115,000 residents over the next 25 years. That means Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties will need about 50,000 more homes. Where to put them is one of the topics addressed in the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission's NWI 2050+ plan.
"The city owns some property. Paradise Community Homes owns some property. And we're combining that with a goal of having five dedicated lots for attainable houses," explained city administrator, board of works member and Paradise Community Homes president Bill Oeding.
The Gary Housing Authority (GHA) will open its waiting list lottery for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program October 21 through October 24, 2024.
Lakeshore Public Media host Dee Dotson sits down with Portage Mayor Austin Bonta.
Lakeshore Public Media host Dee Dotson speaks to La Porte Mayor Tom Dermody
The Volunteer Advocates for Seniors and Incapacitated Adults (VASIA) program is dedicated to serving and safeguarding the needs of incapacitated seniors. Lavonne Jarrett, the director of VASIA will join us to share more about the program. If interest rates go down, closing on a home might become a whole lot more affordable. If rates rise, however, then the market could remain stuck in limbo. Farmers across the US are pleading for Passage of a farm bill to help them survive.
PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Chief Economist Gus Faucher speaks to Lakeshore Public Media host Dee Dotson about the local and national economy at the start of 2024.
The jobs market report was released July 7, 2023. PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Senior Economist Abbey Omodunbi discusses the latest economic outlook.
What is the housing forecast for the remainder of 2022? We hear from GNIAR about home sales in the Region. The Department of Veterans Affairs is encouraging veterans to apply for a VA home loan.
Soaring interests rates are leading to higher housing costs. The MAAC Foundation will recognize first responders with a special event and Indiana hit peak manufacturing production earlier than you think.