Book authors Alex Mar and Joshua Page detail their latest books. The 2023 Kids Count Data book reveals child well-being in Indiana. June 23, 2023 is International Widows Day.
Two authors join Regionally Speaking to discuss their latest books.
A new survey is out and it revealed that Indiana ranked #14 on the list of states with the most people walking away from their jobs during The Great Resignation.
Today; Northwest Indiana financial advisor Greg Hammer just returned from a national workshop on the federal tax reform act changes and their impact on…
Today: Northwest Indiana Realtor associate Laura Konieczny of LaPorte talks about the REMAX Integra Midwest 2018 home buying and selling market report --…
Today: Northwest Indiana financial advisor Greg Hammer joins us again, this time to offer some wise financial advice on how to best use a 2017 income tax…
Today: a conversation with Lake County Coronor Merilee Frey, after she spoke to the recent Lake County Advancement Commission meeting in Schererville…
Today: Northwest Indiana financial advisor Greg Hammer is back to talk about the ways that investors can remain calm in a long-running bull market, as…
Today: Irene Boone Phillips and Mike Meska, both with Franciscan Health -- a lead community agency for the Lake County Smoking Prevention and Cessation…
Today: Local filmmaker Nick Mantis in in the studio to talk about the final stages of work on his documentary "Shep" -- about Hammond's "master story…