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Legacy List with Matt Paxton is a compelling new one hour series about our homes, the hidden treasures, heirlooms and the precious memories attached to those items. As millions of Baby Boomers downsize their own homes or settle the estates of family members, they will discover the most important museum in the world is in their family home.

A new season of Legacy List with Matt Paxton starts January 15, 2024.
An Atlanta rabbi and her husband ask Matt and the team for help downsizing their home.
In Alabama, Matt meets a family whose tragedy helped spur the Civil Rights Movement.
Distributed nationally by American Public Television
is there really a difference in the Coca-Cola from Mexico?
What did life look like when the Amazon watershed flowed backwards?
Did you know the evolution of the butthole was a major breakthrough in animal development?
Learn about the complicated the history of mammals and their disappearance.
Gravitational tsunamis exist and we’re on the verge of being able to detect them.
Will we ever become a Kardeshev Type-1 civilization and how can we get there?