Today: The MAAC Foundation First Responding Training Campus is proud to announce the 5th Annual First Responder Appreciation & Demonstration Day (set for Saturday, September 14, 2024. MAAC Foundation President and CEO Celina Weatherwax joins us to discuss the event. The Memorial Opera House reopens this evening, following a four-month, five-million-dollar renovation. Marketing Coordinator Zachary Mullins recently discussed the project with Lakeshore Public Media's Michael Gallenberger. But up first, Lakeshore Public Media will host Building Blocks Breakfast: Fueling the Future on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at the Dean & Barbara White Community Center. Joining me now to discuss the upcoming event as well as share the vision behind Building Blocks is Carl Kurek, Vice President of Development and Emmy Award-winning producer Anthony Santucci, Vice President of Production. All of that on this edition of Regionally Speaking.