Eye on the Arts - Radio
Monday - 8:44 AM, 12:55 PM, 3:44 PM
Join host Dave Mika as he explores the arts and entertainment of Northwest Indiana each week in Eye on the Arts.
Latest Episodes
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Jamika Smith, of Teena's Legacy.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Sandie Phalen about the Beaux Arts Ball on June 3rd.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Tim King, about the upcoming "Film Fest!" performance from the LaPorte County Symphony.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Philip Han on this week's "Eye on the Arts."
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Micah Bornstein, Deputy Director of South Shore Arts, about "A Story Like Mine," which opens November 15th.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Natalie Heath, Director of Education at South Shore Arts.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Tim King, Executive Director of the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra, about the beginning of their concert season, on November 13th.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Mark Baer, Associate Professor at IUN, about Kaminski’s Lot at Theatre Northwest from November 4th through the 13th.
John Cain, host of "Eye on the Arts," talks with Lu Terock, Interwoven Expressions Chairwoman, about the 2021 Interwoven Expressions 36th Celebration taking place on November 13th.