Dave Mika
Host of Eye on the Arts - Radio-
Dave Mika talks with Jessica Higareda-Santana, about Bishop Noll Institute's "Night of Latin Culture," on October 5th, 2024.
Dave Mika talks with Keri Castro, about the upcoming performances of "Chicago Teen Edition" at Valparaiso University.
Dave Mika talks with Akilia McCain, about the 2nd Annual Classic Chrysanthemum Concerto on September 15, 2024.
Dave Mika, host of Eye on the Arts - Radio, talks with Julia Gibbs, at Miller Beach Arts and Creative District, about the upcoming "Open to Possibilities" art exhibit.
Dave Mika, host of Eye on the Arts - Radio, talks with Chris Peters, about the 13th Annual "Rockopelli Music Festival."
Dave Mika, host of Eye on the Arts - Radio, talks with Samantha Bean, Marketing Coordinator at Lubeznik Center for the Arts, about the "42nd Annual Lubeznik Arts Festival."
Dave Mika, host of Eye on the Arts - Radio, talks with Linda Pauli, at 4th Street Theater, about the upcoming "10 Minute Play Festival."
Host Dave Mika talks with Jon Biancardi, Event Chair for Cesare Battisti Lodge Festa Italiana, about Festa Italiana.