Protect journalism. Get podcast perks
Support Lakeshore Public Media and get NPR+Support journalism in your local community and enjoy sponsor-free listening for all available NPR+ podcasts as well as bonus episodes from select shows.
Lakeshore Public Media adds an additional benefit for donors who support Lakeshore’s radio broadcast. Listeners who donate $10 a month or a one-time donation of $120 in support of 89.1 FM will gain access to NPR’s newest podcast bundle, NPR +, in addition to Lakeshore’s monthly member guide detailing Lakeshore’s current events, initiatives, and the month’s programming.
NPR+ unfolds a rich tapestry of podcasts, including favorites like “Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!,” “The NPR Politics Podcast,” “Planet Money,” and more. This premium platform enhances the NPR listening experience with sponsor-free listening, early episode access, archive entry, and bonus content. For a comprehensive list of shows and anticipated expansions, visit plus.npr.org.

NPR+ aims to enhance the listener experience, fostering community support and sustaining public media. By offering diverse content and innovative features, NPR+ aligns with NPR's commitment to quality journalism while providing a seamless way for listeners to engage and support public media initiatives.