Pre-design work continues on the Illiana Speedway redevelopment.
Consultant Pat Reardon says the current concept involves reserving the land closest to U.S. 30 for commercial purposes to help pay for the rest of the project. The former race track itself could be used for entertainment and programming, while the southern portion could be used to expand Rohrman Park's athletic facilities.
Reardon told the Schererville Town Council on Wednesday that the response has largely been positive. "The public knows and is reminded when the property was purchased, and they're anxious to see discussions culminate and projects begin there," Reardon said.
He noted that representatives of the youth sports leagues have done a good job of being realistic about their needs and wants. "We'll never have enough land to build everything," Reardon acknowledged. "We'll never have enough money to pay for everything. So being realistic, what's ideal, and we're getting some really good feedback."
Reardon has also been interviewing prospective geotechnical and environmental firms. So far, he said he hasn't found any major concerns.
"Until we get into the assessment proper, we won't know with certainty, but we're not finding anything that would prohibit development going forward," Reardon explained.
Reardon hopes to give the town council a comprehensive written report, ahead of its July meeting.