Merrillville residents have a chance to help guide the town's future. The town says it's looking for 40 residents to serve on its Momentum Community Committee. It'll work with town officials and planners to come up with strategies and projects to be included in a new 20-year comprehensive plan.
Committee members are expected to attend at least six monthly meetings, starting with a kickoff meeting on July 19. Planning and Building Director Sheila Shine said in a statement that the town is looking for diverse group, representing different neighborhoods and interests. Applications for the committee are due by July 11. They can be found on the Merrillville Momentum website.
Residents who don't want to serve on a committee will still have plenty of opportunities to get involved with the comprehensive plan. The first series of workshops focusing on the north side of Merrillville is scheduled for July 19 through 21 at the Dean and Barbara White Community Center. Residents can also offer input online.