GRIFFITH - The Griffith Town Council is set to make a presentation to the St. John Township Tuesday night, regarding its second request to join the township.
Residents will also be given a chance to weigh in. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Community Center's main meeting room, 1515 W. Lincoln Highway in Schererville.
Griffith Town Council President Rick Ryfa told the "Times" the town's financial advisers will be at the meeting and its legal team will be on stanby if needed.
St. John Township Assessor Debbie Walters will reportedly also attend.
Public comments will be accepted the night of the meeting, but the public can also call the St. John Township trustee's office, 219-865-2705.
Griffith had asked the townships of St. John and North Township for inclusion in its membership last year, but the town was declined. The town is now asking the townships to revisit its requests.
The Town of Griffith has until November of 2020 to get one of the townships to accept it.
If it doesn't work out for Griffith, the town is crafting a new bill for the state legislature to consider that would let it provide its own township services without belonging to a township.