Today: The supervisor and alternative initiative director of the Lake County Juvenile Probation Department, Kevin Elkins, is on the program to talk about the change in focus that will better prepare young people on probation for adulthood -- programs like job training. The new initiatives come after reducing the number of children held in juvenile detention by more than 70% over the past nine years. Kevin reports directly to Lake County Juvenile Court Judge Thomas Stefaniak. Emily Cutka of the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana also joins us to talk about the expanded efforts that the Food Bank, food pantries, mobile markets and community programs make during summer months, when parents and youngsters cannot rely on schools to offer free breakfasts and lunches. The help amounts to keeping thousands of people from starving.
And we bring back our conversation with Jeanette Romano and Keira Hagerman of the Lake County Solid Waste Management District, to explain the illegal dumping and contaminated recycling problems that led to the decision to close all Lake County recycling drop-off centers by October 1.