PORTER COUNTY - A Hebron mother is dedicating her life to getting justice for her son.
Susan Jones, who was a registered nurse professionally, says her son, Braxson, was shaken by the boy's father. She says the child sustained permanent injuries and his life is now forever ruined.
Jones says she will never forget the date it happened, July 24th, 2016 while she was working an overnight shift at the hospital. Jones says her ex-husband, Curtis Jones had severely abused their son and called her at work when the child was suffering from physical problems.
Jones says Brax was rushed to a local hospital, stabilized, intubated, put on life support and diagnosed with non-accidental abusive head trauma. She added Brax was in a non-induced coma for eight days.
Brax is now going to be three in January. Jones says he has had five brain surgeries, several eye surgeries and is now blind. He cannot sit up, walk or talk, or take food by mouth.
Curtis Jones is a former Porter County police officer. He was charged with battery resulting in serious bodily injury to a person under 14, aggravated battery and neglect of a dependent.
Jones doesn't understand why it took 10 months for Curtis to be charged and why he is being allowed to live in Florida. She feels that Porter County has failed her child in the treatment of the case. She also feels that if the emergency dispatcher would have sent the response sooner, her son would not have lost so much oxygen to his brain.
She intends on eventually pursuing a law suit against the dispatch center that took the 9-1-1 call from Curtis. She may also pursue a federal lawsuit for the case not getting transferred out of Porter County.
Susan Jones is extremely grateful to the people at the Lakes of the Four Seasons Fire Department. She credits them for saving her son's life.
After a delay, jury trial is set for Curtis, scheduled for January 15th in Judge Roger Bradford's courtroom in Porter County.