Today: Purdue University Northwest philosophy professor David Detmer's written a book that chronicles the work of author Howard Zinn, his teachings and books that looked at bias and objectivity in history. Zinn's work upset many, including former Governor Mitch Daniels. Detmer's book "Zinnophobia" goes into detail about the Zinn-Daniels incident, and we bring back our conversation with him about it.
We have another edition of "Green Fleet Radio," supported by South Shore Clean Cities and hosted by Carl Lisek. Ollie, your friend in fur, answers more pet questions on "Ask Ollie," supported by the Humane Society of Northwest Indiana.
Indiana Public Broadcasting's Brandon Smith completes his conversations with U.S. Senate candidates in next week's election with one with Libertarian Party candidate Lucy Brenton. And we couldn't properly observe Halloween if we didn't bring back Tavis Buchan's conversation with the two men who put together a recently-released history of LaPorte County serial killer Belle Gunness.