Today: Tami Silverman, the presuident and CEO of the Indiana Youth Institute, joins us to talk about the new state Legislature-mandated training sessions for all Indiana teachers and educators in grades 5-12 on youth suicide awareness and prevention. Hoosier youth are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than their peers nationally, according to IYI data. Indiana also faces significant disparities in youth suicide among the vulnerable groups,. and among the different sizes of school districts in the state.
We also have another edition of "Green Fleet Radio," supported by South Shore Clean Cities. Host Carl Lisek talks with former Indiana First Lady Judy O'Bannon, who is the co-producer of a public television program that bears her name.
Lakeshore Public Radio's Sharon Jackson talks to one of the supporters of this year's Lakeshore Profesional Womens' Conference, to be held September 20th at the Blue Chip Hotel and Casino in Michigan City. And we have more pet questions to pose to our "friend in fur," Ollie. " Ask Ollie" is supported by the Humane Society of Northwest Indiana.