This Edition of “MIDWEST BEAT with Tom Lounges” originally aired on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2017
Musical Guests: GREGG POTTER & CATHY RICH (of The Buddy Rich Band)
This edition of "MIDWEST BEAT with Tom Lounges" certainly jazzed up the region airwaves when drummer GREGG POTTER and vocalist CATHY RICH came to visit the Lakeshore Public Radio Studios.
A former Chicago rock drummer for various top bands, including Steve Dahl's "Teenage Radiation" in the 1980s, Gregg is now killing it on the kit with the legendary BUDDY RICH BAND, sitting in with the talented musicians that Mr. Rich made history with as he helped change jazz music and drumming forever.
Joining GP for this program in-studio was Buddy's daughter CATHY RICH, the vocalist of the band who continues to keep her father's musical legacy and sound alive and well. Cathy explains that it was her father's request to keep the band that bore his name moving forward and making music. It's a task she is passionate about and dedicated to doing -- not just looking back, but moving forward with the music -- as her father did throughout his career.
Featured on the program are some classic cuts featuring Rich, as well a some recent recordings with GP driving the current BUDDY RICH BAND line-up, and there is even a song on this show that feature a teenage Cathy Rich performing with her father.
THE BUDDY RICH ALUMNI BAND featuring Potter and Cathy perform a special show in Hollywood the week after this show was broadcast, so that and the some of the other celebrations of the ongoing BUDDY RICH CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION are discussed.