The Lake Central School Corporation could get thousands of dollars to help students through potential emergencies. During Monday's school board meeting, the Lake Central Education Foundation announced it'll provide a matching grant of up to $10,000 to purchase "emergency buckets."
School Resource Officer Brian Kissinger says they're designed to be used during school lockdowns. "You know, September 8, we experienced something that we had students locking down for hours on end, and this bucket is for them to help with any kind of needs during a crisis. And that's something we want to expand throughout the whole Lake Central corporation," Kissinger told the school board Monday.
Education Foundation Co-President Louise Tallent said school officials applied for a grant to purchase the buckets for Kahler Middle School, but it didn't meet the foundation's regular criteria, leading the foundation to provide a larger seed grant instead. The Lake Central Education Foundation also awarded 10 grants totaling over $6,300 dollars to help with classroom materials.
In other business Monday, Kolling Elementary School Paraprofessional Elizabeth Estep was recognized for her lifesaving efforts when a student began choking during lunch.